What's the internet doing to our brains?
I checked out the pagesturned blog on the recommendation of Lit Queen and found another dialog on the Atlantic Monthly article. Check it out if this topic is of interest.
This link will take you to a great article about the Proust/Squid (too lazy to check actual title) in the December 24 edition of the New Yorker. Good stuff.
P.S. The response someone wrote in a subsequent issue is also food for thought.
Hi Lisa! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Welcome to blogging. I'll be adding you to my blogline list (soon to be a google list if some dead feeds aren't soon resurrected).
I read the "Is Google Making us Stupid" article from Atlantic online and I found it ironic that the author said he has lost the ability to stay focused enough to read novels (or even some longer blogs) but then the Atlantic article was like 4 pages long! I read the entire thing and was fascinated, loved the comparisons to Hal the supercomputer from 2001 and also think it really speaks to my digital native students and their struggles in my English classes.
Thanks for writing, Sarrah. If you liked that article and have time, I recommend the link to the New Yorker article "Twilight of the Books" in my Loss of Brain Power post. I thought it was even more fascinating than the Atlantic Monthly article.
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